Thursday, May 9, 2013

Progress bar for Console program

During processing a bunk of computation, people always eager to know how far from finish. The progress bar is exactly design for it.

Console program does not support those fancy GUI, therefore something like below might be preferred.

[======>                    ] 37%

The following code should be able to help you accomplish it.
Generally speaking, you could call this function as below:
You could also get access to this code at:
It is also part of my toolbox_c at:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Could not open Video in Windows with OpenCV precompiled dlls

Issue as described in the title. 
The reason is simple, the system need opencv_ffmpeg2**.dll to read video. Just add the bin folder into system path, or directly copy this .dll file into the folder where the executable file generated.
